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Sixth Day, January 9, 1829

Sixth day. We started at dawn after many difficulties. I obliged Pipiuan to go in front, promising to set him free in the first village to which he should lead me. We marched toward the northeast. At 6 o’clock we saw upon a height a village which Pipiuan told me was Munglan; we went on and reached it at 8. We found it deserted. We continued our march across fields of sweet potatoes, and going down hill passed a well in which we found a bow and arrow, the ground being sprinkled with blood. My guides told me that this was a very bad sign, since it signified that the Igorot wanted to fight us. I reassured them, and, walking on for an hour and a half, we arrived at a small plain called “Tabao,” where I halted to give time to eat. My intention was to continue the march in the afternoon, but Pingui advised me to pass the night here because the road ahead of us we would meet with many difficulties, in the midst of which it would not be well to be surprised by the night. I therefore resolved to remain, and posted sentinels around the camp to guard against a surprise.