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Martes 7 de Junio 1898

Los insurrectos están tenaces en pasar la línea de defensa. Anoche se hizo de una y otra parte un fuego atroz. El Capitán de Artillería Sr. Sendras no solo se ha defendido con valor sino que ha tomado la ofensiva. 200 hombres sitiados hace días por los insurrectos en Cavite-viejo se han rendido al enemigo. Hace días que nada se sabe del interior de la provincia.

The insurgents seek tenaciously to cross the defense line. Last night there was sustained firing from both sides. Capt. Sendras of the artillery not only has held his ground with valor, but has even taken the offensive. Two hundred men besieged for several days by the insurgents in Cavite Viejo have surrendered to the enemy. For some days now nothing is known about the interior of the province. On the other hand, it is known from a Spanish marine who with great risk to himself succeeded in approaching Corregidor that the Yankees are feverishly setting up, with the help of the Chinese, fortifications on the island.