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Viernes 22 de Julio 1898

Hoy se ha abandonado una trinchera muy avanzada de difícil defensa próxima a S. Pedro Macati. De resultas del abandono entre 7 y 8 de la noche ha habido en toda la línea un tiroteo espantoso. El estampido del cañón era continuo. Dicen que nosotros hemos tenido 30 bajas en toda la línea, y muchas el enemigo. (…) Hace muchos días que para proveer de carne á la población, anda la Veterana arramblando con todos los carabaos de los particulares sin avisar á nadie.

Today a very forward trench difficult to defend near S. Pedro Macati has been abandoned. As a result of the abandonment between 7 and 8 o’clock at night there has been a terrible shooting throughout the line. The cannon boom was continuous. They say that we have had 30 casualties throughout the line, and many of the enemy. (…) For many days, to provide meat to the population, the veterans have been dragging away all the carabaos of individuals without notifying anyone.