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Monday, November 21st, 1898

Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.

Clean day; slight drizzle early part of forenoon. Took breakfast with the Owens. By 9 o’ clock Bro. Lloyd called with a “vis-à-vis” to take the Owens & myself out to Paco cemetery to witness the disinterment of the dead. We saw the dirt & mold in tombs raked over & the bones collected. The same to be thrown into the receptacle back of the mortuary chapel.

Wrote 2 letters & copied them (1) Nagerb Hashim, stating that I stayed at his place No. 17 Calle Gandara, 19 days: can make it 20 in his changes; (2) to Capt. M. Dyer, asking the priviledge of holding a service Thanksgiving Day as his vessel –“Baltimore”.

Spent part of the afternoon reading purposes & a magazine. Am watching closely the drift of events, particularly as they affect the Philippines. Rumors are plentiful. News is out that the Utah battery, Colorados & the Engineers are going South.

Rec’d a letter Capt. Leutze granting permission to hold a service in the Monitor “Monterey” next Sabbath. Praise God.

Visitors 7.

Gave Private Myron Stearns for free distribution among companies E.B. H & G of the First Nebraska Inf. War Crys; No. 565 (6 copies) Sept. 24th: No. 566, 15 copies, Oct. 1st; 11 copies No. 567 Oct. 18th Stearns donated me 50 cts. Mexican for the work.

Breakfasted with the Rev. & Mrs. Owens; made my dinner of gayara jelly, bread & lemonade & supper of cornmeal mush, friend bacon & lemonade.

Am weary & sleepy tonight.

The Holy Ghost blessed me in my soul last night & the preceding night, praise His name forever.

Prayed with the soldiers who gathered after supper at our reading room.

Prayer & Bible reading was my first occupation today.