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Saturday, Dec. 3d, 1898

Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.

Clear hot day. Feel tired tonight with a sluggish body & fogged brain.

The hot sun seems to effect my head. Rev. G. Turner of the Ecclesia mission dropped in to see me while I was cooking breakfast.

He wanted to learn prices of small boats to get his baggage off the fleet. After washing dishes I went down to Pasig quay with Rev. Chas. Owens to assist him if necessary but failed to find him.

Private Berry of 1st Montana Vol. Inf. called after dinner. We went out to 2d Reserve Hospital in Malate to get permission from Dr. (Capt.) F.R. Keefer to hold services in the hospital but he was absent. Wrote the Dr. a letter.

Visitors G. One of them Private E. C. Spaulding, Co. E. 1st Washington Vol. Inf. lately arrived from San Francisco.