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Sunday, December 11th, 1898

This is a beautifull Morning and the Night has being a pleasant one we all attend Service Morning and Evening in the afternoon I dressed in Citizen Clothing and took a drive 15 Miles up in the Mountain with a German Cigar Mansifactory I had a good time and seen for the first time how the people lived in the Country I seen beautifull Scenerry and no trouble whatever getting trough the Insurgent Line by their looks and Acktion they are preparing for Trouble the are about 4 Miles from the City limits just a Mile above where the Nebraska Regiment is guarding the Water works this was one of the hottest day on Record here the people in the Country are allmost naked and a good deal darker and smaler as thoose here in the City I seen at least 1000 Insurgents Soldiers and many Woman with weapon it was rather a dangerous trip on my part we where halted at 3 different time but had no trouble but was glad when I was back in the City where I arive at 9:30 tired and all woring out the same men are on the Sick List and the same Number of Men on light duy 11 of them

This is a beautiful morning and the night was a pleasant one. We all attended service morning and evening. In the afternoon I dressed in civilian clothing and took a drive fifteen miles up into the mountains with a German cigar manufacturer. I had a good time and saw for the first time how the people lived in the country. I saw beautiful scenery and had no trouble whatsoever getting through the insurgents’ line. By their looks and actions they are preparing for trouble. They are about four miles from the city limits, just a mile above where the Nebraska Regiment is guarding the waterworks. This was one of the hottest days on record here. The people in the country are almost naked and a good deal darker and smaller than those here i the city. I saw at least a thousand insurgent soldiers and many women with weapons. It was a rather dangerous trip on my part. We were halted three different times and I had no trouble, but I was glad when I was back in the city where I arrived at 9:30 tired and all worn out. The same men are on the sick list and the same number of men are on light duty (eleven of them).