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April 25th-99

On outpost across river in ruins of old house. Close to bamboos. All quiet. Sabia’s husband came in at 8 a.m. with presents of chickens & eggs for me. I got him a pass and went with him to his grass hut at Ususan. They fed me on eggs, boiled chicken and rice and fried bananas. Then, as I was on outpost last night Sabia spread mat and I laid down, while she squatted down on her haunches and fanned me to sleep. When the canoes were loaded, she awakened me and I had a few raw bananas. Then we floated down the river past the black ruins of Pateros, and on down the winding river until we reached the ferry at lower Pasig. I went to Pasig & had Col. Fife sign the pass. Then we swung into the river and made good time to San Pedro Macate [Makati]. 12th U.S. all along river road. A couple of catacombs on n. bank which is hilly & rocky. At Macati a Brig. Gen. Wholley signed pass and I left them to float down to Singalon [Singalong] alone. They gave me all dinero they had –12¢ Mex. and paddled down the Pasig with their loads of rice, chickens &c and white flag on bows. They used to work in the tabacalaria [Tabacalera], 5 men & 20 women and children. Came back to Pasig on H²O boat New York –& walked across to Taguig.