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September 27, 1941

Army HQ issued a GO today for all regular officers below field rank (majors) promoting them one rank higher in temporary rank.  And so, 3rd Lt. R. Alcaraz became a very proud temporary 2nd Lt. today.  My promotion is not due until March 15, 1942 when I complete my two years time in grade as a 3rd “Otinant” as we were called then. Now I can be called LIEUTENANT, no longer “Otinant.”  Incidentally, from hereon, to 1947, all promotions are in temporary ranks.

C,OSP Captain Andrada became a Major which he deserved long ago. 1st Lt. Jurado became a Captain and so is my Sqdn. Comdr. Navarete became Captain “Neveready” as Sid Huff used to call him.  2nd Lt. Nuval, CO Q-113 became 1st Lt. and all our ExOs like Alano, Campo and Picar became 2nd Lts. Needless to say, morale in the 1st Q-Boat RON is very high.

Manila’s front page news state that Nazi Germany tells Belgium to enter the war or be occupied. The French Resistance National Council was formed to organize anti Nazi efforts in Europe.