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November 26, 1944


Nov 26th

I have had a talk with some of our doctors — they told me that the No. of deaths will increase greatly in December – The diet is beginning to take its toll – up to now the deaths have been limited to the aged – where there is an organic defect –- especially arteriosclerosis, myocarditis hypertensive heart disease, etc. This diet is murder. The young children –- under ten –- will hold pretty well, but the children from 10-15 will suffer later –- TB, nervous disorders, eye trouble, heart trouble – the young adults –- 20-35 will loose a great deal of weight, will be very tired & weak, but should pick up quickly – those between 35-50 will find it harder to recover.

The protein deficiency is very bad, and is one of the reasons we have so much diarrhea –- We crave both fats & sweets –- I wonder if you know how serious the situation is? or have you been told that we are in good health and well provided with food?

It is interesting to note that hunger dreams are increasing – always frustration – the meal is just about to be served, when the dreamer wakes up – or the food is taken away, or the restaurant is closed, or the food behind plate glass –


I am very weak today – Possibly bacillary dysentery – if so, it will be the third time, the second time since the beginning of September – At times, I wonder if I will live to see the end of this –

I have bacillary all right – but there is no room in the Hospital – no possibility of getting on the soft diet line – So I am to stay in my room (30 others sleep there) and take Sulfaguanidine) – No wonder the disease spreads all over the camp!

The all clear sounded at 2:00 P.M. this afternoon -– no action all day –-