Between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, the maestre de campo and pilots went to the flagship by order of the Governor and they were of the opinion that the armada was sailing west by southwest and the yawing they were experiencing was on the west so that the route should be straight by southwest to go to the Filipinas for that was His Lordship’s order. At this point in time, I was 116 leagues from the port of Navidad. And also at this time, we were sailing west by southwest and I found myself at 14 1/2 degrees latitude according to the point I had. The previous day, I had measured the star at 15 degrees. And from the time that our route had been changed until tonight, the ship must have run around 6 leagues following this aforesaid route 13 days, without being able to hit south. We sailed mostly by guesswork 20, 24, 26 and even 30 leagues. For those thirteen days I could do nothing but guess for, because of the rains, we were not able to measure the sun.