We sighted land at 6 in the morning, at noon we went towards it; I measured the sun at 10 degrees 9 minutes… We sailed 23 leagues west by northwest for 18 hours… The Governor ordered that this island be named Barbudos because the natives had beards. The island could have a perimeter of about 4 leagues. The western part was inhabited; we went inshore. To cast anchor, we dragged the anchor with two cables; we could not move because there was great depth and the bottom was not good. The frigate went ashore and they found natives who had provisions: chickens, fish, meats, coconuts, bread (what it was made of we could not tell). We went from one end to the other till 10 at night. The currents went northwest and southeast. We waited for the frigate and when it came, we sailed only with the foremast westward. We had northeasterly winds.