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28-29 April 1792*

I, therefore, resolved to avoid unprofitable expenses, and, on the [18th] 28th*, I embarked on the squadron of small ships destined for privateering. The whole day we sailed down river, always through fertile lowlands covered with herds of livestock or impenetrable mountains crowned with giant trees as ancient as the hills. Along some pasturelands, broad tracts of land sown with rice plants in their most vigorous stage of growth stretch out for admiring eyes to see and not a few sugar cane fields just as flourishing.

A fresh northerly that blew at the crack of dawn, obliging us to drop anchor, aided my desire to look over this area, which I had longingly gazed at and sorrowfully left the day before. I found the Amorina equisitifolia and other precious plants. The palm called burit [buri] is common in the forest and of great use to the natives. Fibers separated from the medulla are laid into cables for small vessels, and that especially in the suckers (illegible words) . . . it is dried and pulverized. Afterwards it is placed in water, which is necessary (crossed out words) for a long time (crossed out word), allowing it to settle. After this operation until it is cast off, the water is removed by decanting. At the bottom is left a very white, dry, mealy paste. (crossed out words) or mixed with rice, it is one of the most nourishing, most wholesome, most common foodstuffs in this vicinity.

*Philippine Diary Project Note: The source has (on p. 194) the 18th as the date; but the next date mentioned is the 2nd of May; it is assumed, therefore, that the date cited is an error, and this date, the 28th of April, has been provided as contextually more logical.