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9 Abril 1883

Anoche faltaron algunos, entre ellos Rizal, cosa que me extrañó. Lete me dijo: –He venido más que por nada para hacer a Vd. una pregunta.


–Me dijo Rizal el otro día, que el domingo pasado hablando con Vd., V. le dijo que este verano muchos se van a llevar chasco, y quiero saber si seré yo uno de ellos.

–¿Como quiere Vd. que le diga una cosa que no sé? Dije sin saber lo que decía, pues efectivamente se me escapó decir eso siguiendo más a mi pensamiento que a la conversación que sostenía.

–No entiendo lo que quiere Vd. decir.

–Pues nada, que aquello lo dije por decir algo y ahora me pesa pues veo que mis frases se comentan.

Cuando me dijo esto Lete, me disgustó que Rizal se lo dijera, pero Lete me dijo luego que Rizal le dijo: te lo digo para que estés advertido.–Ya me ha hecho pensar si Rizal como es tan cuco, se propondrá indisponer a Lete conmigo para tener un rival menos.

Last night some were absent, among them Rizal, a thing that surprised me. Lete said to me: “I’ve come more than anything else to ask you a question.”


“Rizal told me the other day that last Sunday, speaking with you, you told him that this summer many will be disappointed, and I want to know if I’ll be one of them.”

“Why do you want me to tell you a thing that I don’t know? I spoke without knowing what I was saying. That indeed slipped from my tongue, as I was following my own thought more than the conversation in which I was engaged.”

“I don’t understand what you want to say.”

“Well nothing; I said that just to say something and now I’m sorry for I see that my phrases are commented on.”

“When Lete told me this I was displeased that Rizal had told him, but Lete told me later that Rizal told him in order that he would be warned. I’ve already thought that since Rizal is so astute, he’ll make Lete averse to me to have one rival less.