Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
My first volume of experiences connected with the Salvation Army pioneer work en route and on the Philippine islands is full and so I am under the necessity of commencing the second volume, but while the size is equal to Vol. I the shape is different: the width is elongated so to speak; however as this was the best I could get in the Manila bookstores it will have to do duty in place of a better one.
Visitors to No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, 11.
Brigadier General R. P. Hughes announced my letter of recent requesting permission to put up a tent in the burnt district near Calle del Rosario. He refused.
Private M. L. De Víne (Landrum) of K. Battery 3d Art’y went out forenoon and afternoon to sell San Francisco Chinese War cry (No. 11 edition Aug. ’97). The Chinese purchased them eagerly at 5 cents each – Spanish money. Our comrade disposed of 66 copies – my supply – on Calle de Jolo, before he reached the main business streets. Rec’d $6.76 Mex.
Philippine natives gathered around him to buy, but he would sell them none. They inquired why a Spanish paper was not printed by the Americans for them. Landrum returned rejoicing and offered to sell American crys for me. The comrade also bought an armful of War Cry packages, arrived by the “Coptic” from California. I rec’d copies No. copies No. Copies No. 563 – Sept. 10th appeared my second article re Philippines. After supper Private Peter Shipper of the Engineers brought me a single copy of No. 565 Sept. 24th which gave a front page portrait of myself and the third article, illustrated.
My tent is getting moldy. Spread it out on the floor.
Hired Filipinos to do my washing. Paid them $1, Mex.
Wrote & copied letters – (1) to Lt-Col. Mr. Evans & 3 to Valencia. I am trying to hold the latter in the Salvation Army. Is a good artist & has done ground work for the War Group.
Private Chester Blaney Co. H. 10th Pennsylvania Vol. Inf. called after supper – late – opened the house for him after closing. Gave him for force distributions 22 copies. Aug, ’98 & 57 July 23, ’98.