Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Clear, bright day & quite warm but not uncomfortably so.
Wrote Lieut-Col. Henny Lippincott, Deputy Surgeon General for a permit to visit the hospitals. Copied the letter.
When down town purchased several vocabularies of Philippine Island dialects. Catalogued my pamphlets. Cooked breakfast & supper. Quartermaster Orderly C. J. Scott remained to supper. He is on the sick list. Looks bad. Dysentery pulled him down.
The Lord cheered me & my comrades after supper by bringing 14 U.S. soldiers to No. 2. A holiness meeting was inaugurated. The Holy Ghost made use of His servants praise His name, & 5 men kneeled down at the table: Chester Blaney, 10th Penn., Wm Stauffer, 10th Penn.; Geo. Berry, Co. H. 1st Montana; the foregoing 3 for sanctification. They claimed to get it. Private Henry Keyser, Co. E. 1st Montana & Alva Malony, Battery G. 6th U.S. Artillery, backsliders, were reclaimed thru Christ. Latter is chief engineer of the Ice Plant at Cavite. He formerly belonged to the Cambellite church. Glory to God for victory!
Visitors 15.
The comrades all separated in good spirits. Among the number of present was Private Peter Shipper of the Engineers. He appeared quite humble after the cigar episode. Said he would try to fetch Harry Kline down Sunday night.
Private Hummer of H. battery gave me $2. U.S. coin. He makes a practice of giving one-tenth of his income to the Lord. An excellent practice.