Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Hot day. No rain. The preparations for fighting has subsided. Cause: Withdrawal of Insurgents from Manila & near suburbs. Cooked breakfast, washed dishes & then walked down to the Captain of the Port’s office to see Capt. Dyer, to arrange for a meeting in his ship – U.S.S. “Baltimore” – tomorrow. He has been relieved recently. Wanted to lead 2 services tomorrow. Bought 11 copies “Independencia”, also 2 daily American paper & 2 other Am. “Soldier” & “Freedom”. Am collecting material that may have a value historically in the future. We’re living in a transition age, especially so far as the United States and the Philippines are concerned.
After supper a party of Montana soldiers came in. Hines , Berry, Keyser, Watts & another man. Some 3d artillerymen also came & we had a meeting. Several Filipinos came to the top of the stair to listen & watch us. God blessed the effort & at the close Private Watt of K company, 1st Montana Inf. kneeled at the table for another dip in the Fountain of Jesus’ blood. He got on the back track by smoking cigars. Some of the shallow Christians or professors said the use of tobacco is necessary for the preservation of health. He believed the same & last spiritual health without being benefited in body.
Watt testified to victory at the close.
Visitors today 12.