Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Cloudy all day. Exceeding heavy downpour for a little while – tropical shower. Visited business quarter twice. Purchased 2 vols (Spanish) “Diccionario Geografica Estadistica Historia de las Filipinas” by Manuel Buzeta 1850. Paid $3.50 Mexican. Cooked breakfast & supper. Took dinner with Rev. & Mrs. Owens. I told them that rent should be paid in advance when they looked at the house. He said today he was unable to pay until he received an allowance from the Home Mission Board, on a/c of having to meet other expenses. I excused him.
Caught water enough to fill my jars with rain water. After supper Private O. Harris & a number of 3d regiment artillerymen sprung a surprise party on me & called in force at No. 2. Other comrades were already there & more came in. audience 23. Americans & 10 or 12 Filipinos. Harris called on private Smith to lead. I prayed couple of times, spoke & led 2 songs. Rev. & Mrs. Owens also spoke.
Writer received in donations & for sale of War Cry $1.70 mex.
Gave Hines for free distribution in the Montana requirement 48 War Crys – about 25 of 566 – Oct. 1st & 23 No. 567, Oct. 18th ’98.
Rec’d a letter from F.O. Dansare, who is on the the “Charleston”, dated 17th. He wants to get War Crys & song books for meetings & wants me to come aboard to lead services.
Gave a Filipino some fresh steak. Comrade Divine (Landon) brought me more last night I could eat.
Got up the form of a money receipt today.