Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Cool breeze tonight. Hot during the day especially when doing anything.
Gave a Filipino family that was put out of one room in the basement, permission to locate under the front or entrance stairway. Hired another Filipino to wash the floor of several rooms & corridor. Went to town twice. Sold $20 U.S. gold at the India, Australia & China bank for $40.60 Mexican silver.
Spoke to Mr. Clark, a salon-keeper, about his soul.
Visitors 18.
In the afternoon went to the English photographer and bought 3 photographs and $2.50 Mexican. I am collecting photos, in case I may have to lecture on the Philippines with stereoscopic views.
Made out a number of receipts for donations & Tenth League Payments.
Led a holiness meeting after supper in No. 2. Present 15 U.S. soldiers. God present, but no souls came forward.
The Holy Ghost blessed me richly in my soul last night.
Had a talk with Private Hines & Lloyd re selling some gramophone tickets & making other arrangements in their commands – 1st Montana Vol. Inf. Advanced Lloyd 200 tickets to be sold at 25 cts each. U.S. coin.