San Roque, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Clear weather & comparatively cool. Up early. Cooked breakfast hastily then a way on the 8.30 a.m. ferry boat to Cavite, accompanied by Rev. & Mrs. Chas. Owens. Showed them some places of interest. Asked Capt. Geary of A. Battery, Cal. Vol. & Serg’t. Major Kohane of same re an alledged new discovery of a dungeon in Cavite. Said not true. I met Ex-Capt. Chas Spurgeon of Honolulu (18th U.S. Inf.). Counseled him to return to Christ & the U.S. Army. Spoke to 2 other backsliders; one Ed Franzen Co. K. 18th U.S. Inf. is under conviction. Said he is trying to return to Jesus.
Visited the native town San Roque. This is held by Aguinaldo’s insurgents. We passed several sentries but they did not challenge us. We hired 2 carimatas [carromatas]. Rev. & Mrs. Owen, occupied one & I the other. Drove thro’ San Roque past the English shipyard to Fort Canacao on Sangley point, destroyed by Dewey’s fleet.
The causeway between or connecting Cavite with San Roque looks like war. The Cavite end is guarded by an American sentry & the San Roque end by a Filipino. Rumors and signs of the times point to a coming rupture between the U.S. & Filipino republic.
Took dinner after return at lunch house of the Mr. B. Silver on Calle Real. Paid 50 cts. mex.
Bought $1 Mex worth of sea shells for my collection.
Returned by the 2.p.m. ferry to Manila. Fare 20 cts. mex.
Hired a quilez, did we 3, & called out the post office & several stores. A letter from Capt. B. P. Lamberton notified me that I cannot hold service on the “Olympia” now, but that the cruiser will soon return to her anchorage off Manila, when he will be pleased to have me come aboard and hold service. Wrote immediately to Capt. H. Glass of the cruiser “Charleston” requesting permission to hold service next Sunday on her ship. Also wrote letters (2) Bro. Eleton & Capt. Lamberton of the “Olympia”.
Cooked supper after my return from Cavite.
Visitors today 8.
God the Holy Ghost blessed me in my soul last night by the revelation of His love. Glory to my God forever!