Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Time is slipping by remarkably fast. Well I would like to do more for God & souls but strength is limited. Desire to do more hospital work. Feel fogged out.
Stayed at home best part of day; the extreme heat & moist air made me not care to stir outside. Read papers, cooked breakfast, washed dishes, prayed & read more this bible – last first on the program.
Wrote 2 letters & copied them. (1) 5th weekly letter to Lt. Col. Alice Lewis, New York (2) short letter to Comd’t H. H. Booth, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, informing him that Rev. George Turner of the “Come Outers” in Ecclasia mission told me the other day that the proposed establishing a Sailor’s Home in Manila. As I broached a scheme of this character to the Comd’t I thought it best to let him know. Also told Turner so that he would not think we trespassed on this domain in case we started a home of similar character.
Went to the front office; also called at the Palace & read the revised proof of my Soldier’s Passes.
After cooking supper (did without dinner) remained at home. No soldiers came. Visitors were extremely rare today. In the reading room Mr. David Brown came in & I had a quiet conversation & prayer with him. Outcome: God blessed the effort & he professed to get his backslidings healed. Told me he preached the gospel 6 years. Fell from grace thro’ a woman was arrested & the church (Methodist) was scandalized. Left Minnesota, rushed headlong into sin and finally came to the Philippines to start life anew. During the past three or four days he has been starving, but kept quiet about it. Today the minister & his wife gave him food. Was very much disheartened I felt he would rather die than live. Brown occupies the back room & kitchen at the end of the corridor in my house – No. 2. After praying God together he claimed victory & says he will go forward courageously to live for God.
Do not remember any visitors coming in today.
Tonight the air is much cooler.
To my God I give the glory for Brown’s reclamation.