Cavite, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Out of bed early, prayed, glanced at the bible, cooked breakfast & leaving my dishes unwashed hastened down to the Pasig quay. Crossed over by the ferry boat “Manila” to Cavite. Visited Colonel Van Valzah, whose office is in one of the arsenal buildings & secured permission (verbal) to hold open air meetings Xmas day in that city. He is the Commanding officer.
Quite a shower of rain fell while I was in Cavite.
Purchased $1.75 Mex. worth of shells for my collections. I love the beautiful works of God. Objects of nature enlarge my conception of the Creator. Sea shells (some of them) are marvels of beauty.
Mr. W. B. Silver who keeps the American restaurant on the corner of Calles Real & San Domingo treated me to dinner free. This is odd because he is an unconverted salon keeper. While in his place I removed my cap to say grace before eating. A corporal who was under the influence of liquor immediately removed his hat. Said he always respected religious people. Said he would like to talk to me privately. Went around the corner. Said he wanted me to pray for him, was once a saved man; is worried & got a wife & 2 little daughters in San Antonio Texas. Wanted to know why we do not have services in Cavite; 18th regulars neglected. Promised to pray for his salvation & came over Christmas day. Corporal Harry Langcor of Co. A. 18th U.S. Infantry – his name, etc.
Spoke to several men about Christ & salvation personally.
Returned to Manila on the 2.p.m. ferry. Walked up to No. 2 then put off again for the post office as an U.S. mail had arrived; a very important mail now-a-days.
Recd 4 letters & 1 package of 12 Gospel of Luke in Tagalog for distribution. The latter are from L.B. Armstrong, Barcelona, Spain. Armstrong is having the New Testament translated into Tagalog by Professor Dioniseo Bantin. Will send me more of Luke also of Mark, Matthew, John and Acts as they are respectively translated. Am glad to get them. The Filipino who does chores for us came in. I gave him the first copy: to Private Clayton Scott I gave 4 copies for distribution.
2d letter from Major W. H. Acum, London H. Q. with Armstrings letter. (3) Chas Meierhans, San Francisco, enclosing a $1, postal note from Mrs.Louise Fertig, Roserville Cal. That dear old German saint is the soul of liberality. Charley (who was one of my soldiers in Sacramento Corps. when I had charge of that corps many years ago) says he is saved & determined to fight on in the Lord’s strength. (4) letter dated Nov. 4th is from my niece & Miss Eva Milsaps, Shawnee P.O. Oklahoma Ty . Says she joined a church & is trying to live a true Christian life, also that Mrs. Hadley joined too. The latter is a salon keeper’s wife. Praise God for their salvation. I have prayed many times for their salvation.
Visitors 7. When absent I cannot keep correct count.
Cooked supper after return home.
Crossing to Cavite this a.m. I saw 2 or 3 Insurgent Officers with 3 bags of money en route to Cavite. Also noted quite a number of Aguinaldo’s officers & soldiers traveling to & fro – unarmed. And yet with this apparent friendliness our troops are constantly on the alert. Yesterday some thousands were called out.