The Weather is delightfull and we all recieved Mail and good many of the Men some smal Boxes Mail leaves in the afternon by Hong Kong the Company is going trough regular routine of Buisnes I mailed 3 letter and some papers but this did not leave as exspected I am feeling pretty good now but am still of duty in the Evening I went over to the prison where I found all prisoner enjoying themself every thing is iluminated and decorated verry tastefully the South Dacota Band furnishes some fine Musick the Prisoner also had a fine xmas Souper also the City is partly iluminated and Fire Works seems to be the best enjoyment of the Natives Hagen Asendorf McMasters Milbert Johnson Joe are on the Sick Book and of duty and 8 more on light duty total 13 men (fresh Mear recieved)
The weather is delightful and we all received mail and a good many of the men received some small boxes. Mail leaves in the afternoon via Hong Kong. The company is going through its regular routine of business. I mailed three letters and some papers but the mail did not leave as expected. I am feeling pretty now but am still off duty. In the evening I went over to the prison where I found all the prisoners enjoying themselves. Everything is illuminated and decorated very tastefully. The South Dakota band furnished some fine music. The prisoners also had a fine Christmas supper. Also, the city is partly illuminated and fireworks seem to be the best enjoyment of the natives. [Samuel] Hagan, [John] Asendorf, McMasters, Milbert and Joe Johnson are on the sick book and off duty. Eight more men are on light duty for a total of thirteen. (Fresh meat received)