Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Rushed thro’ this day. Am afraid that I am biting off more bread than I can chew. Constant high pressure wears out the physical man, however, I like to be very busy for Jesus.
Cooked breakfast. Washed dishes. After clearing up walked down to the U.S. Quartermaster’s warehouse. On inquiring found 2 boxes there addressed to me. Receipted for them Mr. Norton, chief clerk, detailed a Filipino & caromata in the employ of the Government to take them to No. 2. I went along. Left the boxes there then rode back with him to Binondo plaza. There alighted & called at the post office. Rec’d 2 letters (1) from Capt. W.P. Wood in answer to mine of earlier date, granting permission to hold services on board his vessel, the gun boat “Petrel”; (2) from Calvin Liles, U.S.S. “Charleston” sending a Come Home ad and – seeking whereabouts of his wife & child thro’ New York War Cry & Inquiring Dep’t.
I answered Capt. Wards’ letter immediately & set Sunday next for a service on his ship, God willing.
Made a cold dinner of fried bacon, bread & strawberry jelly and lemonade satisfy my wants physically.
One-thirty p.m. took horse cars to Escolta & out to Calle Real Malate, thence on to 2d Reserve Hospital, where Private Flansberg 13th Minn. (saved over recently) joined me. Hunted up Bro. Temple of Hospital corps. Arranged the dining room & led a service, audience including Salvationists. This is the Convalescent’s hospital. The patients are being removed to Corregidor Island. Rent is said to be $500.00 a month.
No souls forward. Returning I stopped at a Filipino stand & bought some Iloilo shells for my museum.
Returned home & cooked supper. While eating thereof Privates Devine (Landon) Amie & Hoffenstine of the 3d Artillery came in. Leaving dishes unwashed together we proceeded to San Miguel street – back of No. 6 are the q’t’r of Battalions 2 & 3. Had a service in the tent out in the yard. Audience 45 including Salvationists. God was present. Good spirit, much interest manifested but no souls forward. Taking Salvation Army soldiers around to walk for Jesus does them good.
Dealt with several pressures re salvation personally.
Took my camera with me & photographed several scenes.
Paid the Montana soldier $1 Mex for developing a film.
Expected trouble with Aguinaldo’s insurgents seems to have passed, but while the tension is not so great, the U.S. troops are alert. The South Dakota’s are held in their barracks like prisoners for emergencies.
Visitors today about 8.