The Weather is clear and quiet compfortable the Nights are cool anough to use our Blankets the Company is going throug the regular Routine of drills & with 7 on Guard and 4 on Outpost many Rumors are afloat and a Clash with the Insurgents is hourly exspected Orders are to remain in Quarters and be ready for any Emergencie we have pretty fair Grup and all are satisfied and anxious to meet our so much ignorent Enemy some of the Regiment have been paid during the day and Buisnes up town is booming 2 Battalion of the Nebraska leave during the Night on a Steamer with 24 hours sealed Orders many Rumors are afloat about Hoila we have Fresh Meat and I doe Frank Brains work besides my own now I am excempt from all duty from my Company but still mess with them there is one Addition to our sick List we have a good Shower just befor taps and goe to bed with the same Orders as the previous Night
The weather is clear and quite comfortable. The nights are cool enough to use our blankets. The company is going through the regular routine of drills and seven men are on guard and four on outpost. Many rumors are afloat and a clash with the insurgents is expected. Orders are to remain in quarters and be ready for any emergency. We have pretty fair grub and all are satisfied and anxious to meet our ignorant enemy. Some of the regiment has been paid during the day and business uptown is booming. Two battalions of the Nebraska leave during the night on a steamer with 24-hours sealed orders. Many rumors are afloat about Hoila. We have fresh meat and I do Frank Brain’s work besides my own. Now I am exempt from all duty from my company but still mess with them. There is one addition to our sick list. We have a good shower just before Taps and go to be with the same orders as the previous night.