Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Clear, bright sky and hot weather.
Kept busy. Cooked breakfast & supper. Partook of dinner with Rev. & Mrs. Owens and chipped in a can of tongue. Started to catalogue for curio & commenced wrapping them up this forenoon. Wrote 2 letters & rec’d two.
The proposed meeting with the Nebraska men fell thro’ Bro. Herron wrote that the men are sleeping on their arms & everything is too unsettled. Asked him to arrange for Saturday night if possible.
Read Scriptures also a chapter or two in Winchell’s Geology. Immediately after dinner. Private Hines coming in 2 quilez’ were hired & he, myself, Rev. & Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Capt. Spicer of the ship “Glooscap” & her son visited the lazaretto [San Lazaro] –leper hospital where we saw horrible specimens of decaying humanity. I took several snap shots. Gave them 20 cents in coppers.
We 3 men then visited the Filipino cemetery – tombs above ground & bones of dead cast out of graves where rent was defaulted. Took some snap shots again. Pushed further out on the road to the stone monument which marks the corporation limits of Manila, on which is carved Calle de San Cleyes. Here the extreme American pickets are posted. We saw their tents plainly.
Hurried back to town. Purchased photos & called at post office.
After supper started for the Montana quarters. Met private Waterman. Took him along. Hired a quilez. Rev. & Mrs. Owens accompanied me. At my request he read the Scriptures, I pulled in the net. No souls forward. Audience 35.
Waterman brought bad news & I feel sad tonight. Private Georgeson is in guardhouse 4 days for going to water closet at dull time & missing the drill & Private Pines is backsliding a tobacoo.
Visitors at No. 2 Calle Sta. Elena 1. Troops shut in.