Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Heavy black clouds and a shower.
People are recovering from their fright. The acute phase of the threatened rupture with the Filipinos seem to have passed, at least for the time being. The U.S. soldiers (held prisoners the past week or 10 days) were given liberty today, but must keep near their quarters & not remain out longer than 8.p.m. My house is not so lovely, soldiers have been coming & going all day. Visitors 8.
The first to call was Mr. Isaac Russell, late proprietor of the “American Soldier.” The latter suspended publication with No. 1 copy of the II volume. Mr. Russell has been in the guard house for writing a letter to a home paper, reflecting on some of the military heads in these parts. R. & I discussed a proposed trip to Dagupan. Russell speaking of Admiral Dewey said the latter has had every newspaper man & woman in Manila to dine with him at his personal table. Keeps on good terms with member of the farers.
Wrote & copied two letters & 1 to Private M. H. Ackarett of Bat. B. Utah Light Artillery, advising to attend S.A. meetings etc. A called before the letter was mailed & paid $3 Mex. on Tenth League dues. Prayed with him & tried to cheer his spirits.
Private Devine (Landon) also called & paid in $5 gold, Tenth League. He took some Tagalog Scriptures & Spurgeons sermons in Spanish to sell on the streets of Manila. Sold $1. Mex. worth. Private A.S. Lloyd of the 1st Montana Vol. Inf. learning what Landrum had done called for literature to sell. Supplied him with 10, Luke’s in Tagalog & 10 Mark’s in the same language, also 6 copies of Spurgeon’s sermons translated into Spanish.
This evening called at the post office for mail, also visited the editorial office of the “New Orient”, late “Uncle Sam”, to secure a file. Was only partly successful. I am trying to get full & complete files of the crop of the U.S. soldier publications that have appeared since the occupation of Manila.
Prayed with several visitors & pressed the Savior’s claim upon the attention of some.