The ins. threw out a strong skirmish line –200 yds in front, last night– but we set with our rifles in hand all night. Only a few shots fired & it is tho’t to have been a trap to lure us in and ambush. today has been quiet so far –3 p.m. We strengthened our position and the bait, cut loose occasionally at the church and ridges to s. Heavy firing on lft. back towards Manila. Manila is burning –& the atmosphere is heavy with smoke. Chinese quarter was burned last night & today. Cooler with a slight shower. Paco in ashes –Senora sent me a note –she is safe. took the note 13 days to reach me. Detailed with scouts tonight. Rested them at 9 p.m. Could hear the filips talk & cough. In such places you can hear the heart beat. They came to spring for H²O. Withdrew scouts at 9 a.m.
Alfred Burton Welch
(September 26, 1874 — June 30, 1945). Served with Company D, 1st Washington Volunteer Infantry in the Philippines, April 30, 1898 to November 1, 1899.
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