A cheerful message from the commanding general: “Present indications denote insurgent government in perilous condition: its arm defeated, discouraged, and scattered. Insurgents are returning to their homes in cities and villages between Manila and points north of Malolos which our reconnoitring parties have reached, and desire the protection of Americans. News from Visayan Islands more encouraging every day.” Brigadier-General Harrison Gray Otis sailed for San Francisco. The command of his brigade was assumed bv General Wheaton. One thousand Filipinos, intrenched at Quingen, three and one half miles northeast of Malolos, engaged a reconnoitring party of cavalry.
Receipts from customs and other sources in the Philippine Islands since the United States assumed control (August 13, 1898): To December 31, $1,819,813.25; in January, February. and March. 1899, so far as reported, including receipts at Mania Ilo llo, and Cebu), $1,168,666.80.