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Sunday, May 14th, 1899

Manila, Luzon Island – Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo

This to me has been one of the hard & apparently unfruitful days, in which failure appears to be the outcome of one’s best efforts, but my faith claims that my God does not permit my time & strength to be wasted.

Read a chapter in Numbers, ditto a psalm, prayed & betook myself to the cook-pots. Breakfast over selected songs & lessons – latter in the New Testament for prospective meetings in Bilibid and the Second Reserve Hospital. In good season started out afoot for Bilibid after praying a second time for the Lord’s blessing on my efforts. Every Sunday since commencing meetings at the prison I have passed & repassed a two story residence with a Japanese flag hung outside the front. On a metal plate affixed to the door was inscribed the words “M. Viola Medico” Was at the corner of Alvarado alley and Paseo Azcarraga near the bridge. The house looked comfortable, all the more to me when going or returning thro’ the heat & seeing one or more men at ease up stairs apparently not putting themselves to discomfort or inconvenience in behalf of Christ & His Kingdom. This morning when passing to & fro as usual I saw a hearse with a coffin waiting in the street & an American sentry guarding the entrance & refusing permission to the undertaker’s employee to take the coffin in the house. The sentry explained to me that the Filipino doctor was murdered last night – throat cut – probably for money.

Until the power that be gave consent the coffin remained in the house two hours – about. I was considerably affected by this death. Death waits not the leisure of unconcerned sinners. They may ignore God & make their plans for this life independent of Him, but when the giver of life concludes they are not worthy of the space they occupy above the ground, they quickly descent into it.

A heavy shower came up when I arrived at Bilibid. I remained in that part of the one-storey building in the center of the courtyard now used for hospital purposes. Several men were in there. Had a chat on various subjects not neglecting matters pertaining to the Kingdom. This building contained the torture chambers under the Spanish regime. There is a large circular room in the center. In the bakery the baker said, is or was, the starvation well. Prisoners were put in there & starved. Prisoners were also operated in this place.

This Sabbath proved to be general inspection day. Provost Sergeant Houser disappeared to me. I could not find him until time was past for my meeting. I then distributed the few War Crys & went away disappointed; wondering if Houser kept out of my sight intentionally.

A few parched peanuts, a cup of lemonade & an orange served me for lunch. More prayer. Then by horse & car went out to Malate & got off the car at the corner of Calle Real and Herran. The 2d Reserve Hospital is built on the latter.

Arrived at the Hospital; immediately crossed to the nipa palm barracks. Learned that Co. D. 9th U.S. Infantry & another of the same reg’t left this morning for Malolos. So my hopes were dashed so far as securing Private Mason to assist me in a hospital meeting was concerned, I invited Rev. Owen to come, likewise requested Bro. Scott to ask Bro. Merritt to come over & help. Neither came. The latter I learned afterwards said he promised to meet a friend about that hour at the 1st Reserve Hospital. I called at the office. Saw Capt. (Doctor) Keefer, the physician in charge. He gave me permission to visit any of the wards but insisted that I notify him in advance when I want to conduct services as he could not prepare for impromptu services. Before calling on the Doctor I discovered Brother Archer Temple sitting at a table with a party of gamblers playing cards in a dormitory assigned to members of the Hospital force. Leaving the office I determined to give my time to Temple to get him back to Jesus if possible. Going to the door I called him by name. He came out looking very sheepish. Together we walked out in the yard towards the stable leaving the gamblers at the table. I talked to him straight but sympathetically. Urged him to repent, be whole-hearted, get Christ to take him back & once more & forever throw himself wholeheartedly into the service of his Lord. After considerable urging Temple promised that this should be his last game of cards & that he would commence anew. Must however return to the present game as he had won their money. Advised T to give the gamblers their money back & break off at once. Asked him to go with me into the stabe & pray. Refused. Requested T. to write me. His time will be up in about one week; expects to leave then. Confessed that this is his 3d or 4th experience as a backslider. Explained that the commencement of his downfall, dated from the time & I met him on the battlefield picking up dead & wounded.

Entered houses to secure things & rec’d a spiritual backset. A nurse from the surgical ward came out while we were talking & rattled away stating that a man could be a “good Christian” & smoke cigars. He found no likeminded men in our party but was given light as God gives it to me.

Wended my way homeward in a sad mood. Stopped at the Cuartel Meisig to visit Ex-Sergeant Golden – a backslider Salvationist of long standing. Was absent.

Private Clayton Scott called soon after my return. More bad news. Saw Bro. Merritt smoking a cigarette at the Gov’t mule corral. Smoked for the benefit of his stomach. Am afraid he will prove another spiritual failure unless he exhibits a different spirit. God gives me peace in my own soul, but my sorrow & anxieties are chiefly in behalf of other people.

While Scott was here in came Private Golden of K. battery. Face with a big patch on it & his left hand helpless. While out with Private Mc Meek in above Malolos, had an encounter with 4 Filipinos. Hand to hand struggle in the water. Filipino with a bolo – big sharp knife – raised to strike. Pushed the man’s two arms down & kicked him in the stomach. Was slashed on the cheek & in the hand, but when the Filipino’s hands were crowded down before he could recover Golden blew the top of his head off with his Kragg-jorgenson rifle. G. is married or mated to a Filipino woman.

It was past 6 p.m. when I commenced cooking supper. Was very glad when Rev. & Mrs. Owens invited me to supper.

Accepted their offer without need of coaxing. At the supper table they told me that the Roman Catholics of the United States & this country intend to fight against Protestantism and missionaries not of their own church. I am convinced that the Roman Catholic church will be or rather is now preparing its plans for a tremendous coup; that it will fill up the cup of its iniquity to the brim by treating the world to a colossal St. Bartholomew massacre & that the United States will receive an awful baptism of blood. More than one straw to me has pointed in the that direction during the past of 4 & 5 years. I hope my interpretation of portents is incorrect. Rome has always been the aggressor but now she is on the defensive & is fighting for her existence. The nations are slipping out of here grasp; she is wedded to the past; her death struggle promises to be terrible; but she is doomed. God will take her in hand if I understand Revelation & will bring her pride down into the dust.