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Monday, May 15th, 1899

Manila, Luzon Island – Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo

Hot day; heavy clouds on the horizon but no rain here.

Expected to visit Cavite but got left. The ferry boat changed its sailing hour from 8.30 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. Out of bed early to catch this boat. Read a chapter in Numbers, prayed and cooked breakfast, but my haste ended in failure. From the ferry turned my steps up town, first to the Imperial Photograph gallery, 20 Calle Barbosa, Quiapo. They turned over to me, the Spaniards, film and prints, out of 36 exposures I feel quite bad over this matter. Am of the opinion that either ignorance or carelessness caused the failure. Paid the firm $2 Mex for their work but do not care to trust them with any more work of that nature.

Returned homeward. Paused at the post office & rec’d several packages of paper (1) “Christian Alliances” monthly

(2) Easter Number Toronto War Cry. These two I am certain were sent by Bro. Fletcher of Boston, Mass. Are marked copies (3) Houston “Post” and S.F. weekly “Call”.

Before returning home purchased $1 Mex worth of shells. Am endevouring to make my cabinet as complete as possible.

Dinner of lemonade, orange  & peanuts.

Sergeant Wm C. Freeman of the U.S. Engineer corps, dropped in to see me this afternoon. We had a talk on personal religion. Urged him to get saved, seek Christ with all his heart, not rest until God gave him the spirit of adoption. F. appeared sincere & gave me close attention.

Private Perkins (backslider) 3d Reg’t U.S. Heavy Artillery called about dusk. Talk on war & military matters.

Read papers at space bits of time.

Catalogued some of my curios & wrapped them; also wrapped some for Lawyer Duncan of Oroville Cal.