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Sunday, June 11th 1899

Manila, Luzon Island – Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo Dist.

Was roused from asleep about midnight or the “wee sma’ hours”, mornin,” by the wicked sound of a Kraggy-jorgensen rifle fired in quick succession. Succeeding the shots there was an uproar of voices somewhere in the distance, silence then another babel resembling Chinese, then silence again. Two shots resembled the mausen rifle report. As no more noise disturbed the night I disrobed again, blew the candle out in my bedroom & finished my sleep, assured that no general uprising would imperil life. Heard the Utah sentry across the street sing out to the brass band boys in his quarters. “Get your pistols boys, they’re on this time; no mistake; don’t you hear me?” “Referring to the Filipino troops who were & are fighting seven miles from Manila.

I heard this morning that the trouble was caused by Filipinos & trying to rob some Chinese. They are both (the two nationalities) well matched thieves with the difference that Filipinos are more murderous.

Out of bed about 6.30 a.m. Read a chapter in Deuteronomy, & prayed. The Holy Ghost, praise to His dear name, blessed me with the revealing of His Presence last night.

Cooked breakfast of oatmeal mush, ham fried & coffee.

When so engaged a Filipino boy representing my photographer brought in 2 films developed & prints of same. These are excellent. Feel greatly encouraged. Have had so much trouble in Manila over my Kodak pictures that I had but little heart to attempt anything on that line. Not willing to encourage the Filipinos in Sabbath breaking. I gave the boy some soda crackers & requested him to call again tomorrow.

Breakfast finished washed the pots and plates, then selected the Bible lesson (II Peter III:7 to 10) & hymns for the prison service. Walked down to Bilibid as usual & gatekeeper passed me in without difficulty. Is a Filipino. An American corporal sits near him. Passing 2 more sentries. I sat down in the Sergeant’s quarters until Lieut. Wolf finished inspection. Sergeants Houser & Williams were lying down unwell. Houser & I had a lengthy conversation re Tom Conlin & his father’s family & Vancouver barracks, Washington. This in a measure softened Houser’s usual gruffness. Another Sergeant did his work today & collected my audience from the various military wards & together we all proceeded to the white men’s civil prison where I led a service with 16 men to listen to the story of Jesus & His love. Audience all seamen & soldiers – 2 of them negroes – if I mistake not. At the close, after inviting them to seek salvation there & then, some repeated the Lord’s prayer with me. I have them do this, every Sunday as a rule. Brother Clayton of the 1st Colorado’s claims to be saved but dubiously. Gave him advice. Also to the Salvation Army Detroit backslider gave a New Testament & advised him to seek Jesus for healing of his soul immediately.

Returning home via the Paseo Azcarraga gave 10 cts. Mex. to a Filipino beggar.

Remained at home all afternoon, expecting the Spanish Salvationist, Feol would cull. Gave him my address yesterday. Passed time studying map of Houston & of Asiatic, European & American nations, ditto isles of the sea.

Read Gen. Ed Forrester Recollections of the Taiping Rebellion” & Donn Piatts Newspaper Humor of the Future” in the Cosmopolitan.” At the Court of the Czar “by Geo. Miffin Dallas. “Talleyrand’s Replies to His Accusers” in the CenturyMagazine.

Filled my lamp with petroleum as night drew on. Kindled a fire in the Spanish braziers & cooked supper of cocoa, oatmeal mush & fried ham.