Manila, Luzon Island – Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo Dist.
Days rushed with wonderful rapidity. – Up early; read a chapter in Deuteronomy; prayed. Interrupted while at prayer by “muchacha” – Filipino servant boy. Wanted to know if I wanted this floor cleaned. Yes. Cleaned them; ditto stair case landing & vestibule.
Cooked breakfast, minus ham. While so engaged another Filipino boy called to sell “Freedom” Bought a copy. Breakfast over over. Private Ges Bertrand Co. G. 1stSouth Dakota vols. showed up, hot & tired. Long talk, not forgetting spiritual matters. The Lord kept him saved. Expects to get his discharge in Manila, he & 3 others & want to rent room of me. All night $17.50 Mex. for the part recently occupied by Rev. & Mrs. Owens. Also offered to sell my gramophone & records for $50, U.S. coin. Bertrand left a bundle for storage with me. Together we prayed to our God. Befofre B departed, Rev. Rogers, Presbyterian missionary and Young Jackson, Christian Commission worker, appeared with a “Chino” & caraboa team, to take away their furniture purchased from Owens. Everything went excepting the organ belonging to Rogers. The latter inquired if I cared to rent the flat occupied by me. No.
Dinner time I left lunch untouched & fasted until supper, because of tendency to dyspepsia.
Very hot day, this.
Private (Bro.) Geo. Berry, Co. H. 1st Montana vol. Inf. unexpectedly dropped in upon me, just over from hospital on Corregidor Is. under orders for the U.S. but a short time to reamin; must catch the 2.30 p.m. boat for the transport “Morgan City”. Prayed together. Berry is a lovely character; very spiritual. Wish his kind were more numerous. Is a candidate for the Canadian S.A. work. I put a number of questions to him & then filled out a form sent me by Staff Captain W. J. Turner of Spokane City, Wash. In his haste Berry forget to bring his candidate’s form & Soldier’s Pass. Latter to be signed by me. I made up a bowl of lemonade for one of my comrades.
Berry said Bro. Schermerhorn of Co. D. 2d Oregon Vols. returned with his regiment. Was getting worse – dysentery – instead of better & feared that he would never get well should he remain in the Philippines. Private (Bro.) Chester Blaney, Co. H. 10th Pennsylvania vol. is on the down grade spiritually – plays cards & exhibits evidences of smoking. Alas poor boy! Has been encouraged more than one or twice to remain true to Jesus. Men who are not determined to fight the good fight of faith will fail.
I was in a sense sorry to bid Berry adieu because such devoted souls as he are a great encouragement to me on the difficult field where I am now serving God, but for Berry the change to the temperate zone is best.
Following B’s departure I pulled on my coat & proceeded to the General (1st Reserve) Hospital Ward 8. Where I visited Private (Bro.) Devine (Landrum). Encouraged him & gave him a War Cry. Also met Private Harry Glozier, Co. L. 13th Minnesota vol. Inf. who is a backslider. His experience on that line is rich – cover much ground – is his 2d or 3d time. Professed to get in a meeting led by me in No. 2 Sept. 29th1898. Gave him some advice & bade him adieu, as he leaves o the “Morgan City” for the United States.
From the hospital called at Bro. Geo. Turner’s home, near by. We had prayer together & a talk. Bought 2 bottles lime juice at the U.S. Commissary for me $1.50 Mex.
In front of the Hospital, a Christian – Hospital corps man named Armstrong introduced himself. Is on the sick list. Gave him my address & invited him to call. Is a Texan. Lives at Austin, Tex. A brother of his was formerly an S.A. officer.
Called at the post office. General Delivery clerk handed me several papers; “No letters”. I saw one in the pile & called his attention to it. Gave it to me. Was from Berry.
I traveled 3 times on street car without paying fare because I had no change smaller than 5 cents.
Cooked supper, ham fried, cocoa & oatmel mush.
Read Houston, Tex. Post & New York War Cry.