May April 30th–Friday the 20th I went to Orani again and helped bring down a big cart train of stuff. Vandyke Spooner and I went to a sugar mill & rounded up eleven carts at one hand. Saturday I spent mostly in quarters, writing– Drew Cots–Sunday I was on guard. We drew clothes during the day. That night an old shack at the edge of town burned. Monday I marked & arranged my clothes & cleaned up generally (or started to) on my stuff. We tore off the back end of the building in which we are quartered. Tuesday I was on O.D. Fatigue–hauled rock for the new Guardhouse. Wednesday morning we had a slight Earth quake: things here shook quite noticeably but no one figured out what it was till it was all over. Went with a detail to Hermosa in P.M. to meet Captain G. on his way back from Manila. Wednesday night the nigger who had been “bossing” on the road gang was boloed and our doctor sewed him up. Friday I went to Orani with the bread & meat detail: Saturday I washed up all my old clothes: yesterday I was on guard and today have spent most of my time patching. We had weekly inspection Saturday and muster this A.M. A gang of niggers began work on our quarters this A.M. to repair & enlarge them. It rained last night & day before yesterday quite a little bit. The regimental scouts came in last night & are here yet & the brigade scouts passed through here on their way back to Angeles. All my spare time for a week past I have been busy cleaning up polishing and putting my equipment in first class order. Orderly has been pretty evenly divided between K & L companies each incur long seen brake: Each Co. had made a three days run since then. We are putting up pretty guard mounts now, with new clothes, shined cartriges, well cleaned equipments &etc. I have two styes on my left eye: had one the first of last week in the same eye. A detachment went to Orani this A.M. but, for some reason, did not come back today. We expect mail when they come. We have had more sickness the last week than at any time since we came here. McCalister Wallin, Lowe & Mohr have all been in the hospital but all are out now, except Mohr. Oriaon [Orion] (near Balawea) was attacken in daylight about 10 days ago, a Lieut. killed and five or six were wounded.