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August 12, 1914

I leave Hongkong aboard the China, where I meet a few of my fellow passengers from the Manchuria. One of these is a German who travelled as an American and was therefore not held in Hongkong; and two Austrians who also were left to continue their trip, as England has not declared war on Austria so far. Besides these, there are aboard two employees of the Hongkong German Consulate which has been ordered closed and the employees, expelled, The Consul himself had left for Manila. The weather is terrible, the sea rough. The service leaves much to be wished for, the men being very discourteous, and even the food is not as good as on the Manchuria. One of the Austrians entertains us in the evening by playing
the piano.

The Strand Hotel ceases to function as such. The Seamen’s Home is being furnished as a hospital.