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November 15, 1938

As a result of my inspection of American Armament Equipment, and of the information we’ve received from the U.S. Ord (Ord. mortars & amm.) will not be ready for sale for at least 1 more year at quantity production prices, since all technical problems are not yet licked. I came back here and suggested the purchase of about 6-12 A.A. mortars with a thousand rounds or so of amm. to test out throughly this equipment. If satisfactory (and we have every reason to believe it should be) we’d have an additional source of supply in reserve, and would be able to secure items from the source offering the lowest price. Sutherland concurred in every respect except that he told me the Gen. wants to buy enough, at once, for 6 Divs. (48) and for 9 Divs. (72) if possible. Personally, I see no reason for going overboard this havily on the A.A. mortar since eventually we count on using U.S. Ord. But OK!!