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Tuesday, December 16, 1941

Today the children have dug ant hills all day long until they have blisters in their hands!! We told them that they could have five cents for each queen they brought in, and so they have dug. It is wonderful how well they have played together, playing all day long in group play without dissension. And it is such a great help that they do this, for if there were quarreling and arguments it would be different. We are so fortunate in having these good friends and this nice place to come to. The other evacuees are not so fortunate. There is a convoy at Pagsanjan, and there the mothers do all the work for no servants are allowed, and we hear that there is a shortage of food. So I will never cease to be thankful for these blessings.

There is a lull nm Army and Navy activities throughout the Islands. The authorities are rounding up fifth columnists and a few Japs every day. Secretary Knox is in Honolulu and there, it seems, will be found more casualties than was first estimated. Today’s paper says 3,000 dead and injured; and the paper also stated that the officials in charge there will be relieved of their posts — we heartily approve this step, for they should not have been caught asleep. The Filipino continues to Show signs of being a good soldier. And I am very happy with the whole hearted support the natives are giving America and the Filipino government. John and George gave us a happy surprise by arriving about four o’clock this afternoon. John says that Manila has got so quiet that he was getting bored!!