It has been a little hot today—more so than it should be at this time of year. Being hot outside it was also a little close in the tunnel. We are sleeping in Tunnel #10 now and it is a big improvement over our former living conditions, as those of us in there are in single bunks. The air is also better, to say nothing of a modern bathroom. We did not start shipments from Bataan last night as I had anticipated. Gen. Marshall was going to start it from that end, but didn’t get over there in time to do it. I doubt if anything will be moved tonight. The Q.M. figured out the quantity of available subsistence to be shipped, and sent a directive over last night to have it moved. I stopped shipment of beds from here to Bataan until we learn our hospital requirements for the increased garrison. The situation in Bataan is still uncertain. The front line appears to be holding its own at present, but the infiltration on the west coast is a serious matter. It appears that the Japs landed more troops, both at Agloloma and Pucat Hill last night, and it is becoming more difficult to drive them out. If we are not careful they will have a beachhead at one or both places, and that will place all troops on the west coast in a precarious situation, as the only road to the rear will have been cut. Some progress was made today toward eliminating them, but it is difficult because of the thick jungle. It is so easy for the Japs to hide, and bob up later at some other place. We are withdrawing tonight from the present line to the Reserve Battle Position. It will be completed by morning.
Lewis C. Beebe
(December 12, 1891 – February 2, 1951), Brigadier General; Assistant Chief of Staff, USAFFE (later, USFIP).
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