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May 6th 1942

Corregidor has fallen and our flag is hauled down in the Philippines, We feel or at least hope that we will be treated better now that the hostilities are over here. Strong rumor that we are to be moved. The dope is out that the Gen. and Col. are to be moved to Tarlac, As I remember there are 10 to 12 Generals and about 64 Col. They leave May 10th.

Gay and I are in a room in the Bldg used ag Hq. The other night we had our first hard rain, Of course, all of the roofs leak. The Japanese C.O. Capt. Tzuneyosi came to see if they leaked. Nothing was ever done about it.

Lieut. Col. Halstead A.G.D. our only contact with the Japanese actions bespeak his prior service (enlisted). He boasted to me that a request made to the Japanese thru him was in his opinion so ridiculous that he (Halstead) said nothing to the Japs and reported to Gen. King that they had said no.