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Thursday, October 12, 1944

I learned yesterday at noon that I was on an outgoing detail. Although I hate to go, I have been mentally prepared for a long time for this eventuality. The current dope is that everybody able to walk will leave — so why not now? I have had many true friends here who have done many favors for me — of the men in my battery I can say I have their respect and friendship — many of them have gone out of their way to do things for me, and it is to one of them that I entrust this journal with the fervent hope that it gets home, however long it might take, especially if I do not make the grade myself. I alone will understand some of the entries in this book but those are without meaning anyway unless I again obtain possession of the journal. My friends’ names have been purposely been left out of this account because it has always been possible that the Japanese might get hold of it and I did not wish to involve them. There is really but little to add now — I believe that I have discharged my duties creditably as an officer and as gentleman — it is my fervent prayer that Yank planes or subs arrive before or after my scheduled embarkation but not while I am at sea — come what may, however, IN GOD WE TRUST.

1st Lt., U. S. Marine Corps

(The diary ends here.)