[*Note: In the manuscript this entry is dated November 9, 1944, but it is followed by November 8, 1944 and then November 9, 1944. This strongly suggests a clerical error in the typing of the copy and so it is, for the purposes of the Philippine Diary Project, labeled November 6/7.]
Com Portz and Lt Col Sam Freeny, USMC, had many complaints concerning the mess. They wish a navy warrant or army field officer put in charge, especially Major Johnson was recommended for the position. However, as the army medical department runs 25% of the army mess, I see no reason to turn it over to the line. Col George Bennett, Inf., is now their liaison officer and distribution is much smoother as he is watching the weights of all rice boxes.
There are 29 field officers of all branches in Bldg. #10 on the concrete whom I am attempting to put in bunks or beds.
The carpenters were sent to Ft McKinley 2 days ago – work unknown – leaving total census 2224. 511 patients S.I.H. and 109 S.I.Q.
Captain Arthur H. Wermuth, 57th Inf., sent in a signed slip offering $500 gold (check) as bribe to a laboratory man for a stool positive for H. Histolytic. This was refered to Lt Col Johnson, 57th Inf., who appointed officers to write up and take depositions.
Major N. H. Waterous, MC, is helping in EENT doing refractions as the regularly assigned officer (Lt Pohlman) has ward due as well and is very busy. Emergency aid packets are now on all wards and all buildings in case of casualty during air raids when it is impossible to transport patients between buildings. I asked for 3 officers (myself included) and 2 corps men to have run of the compound during raids if accident occurs. I was told to contact the nearest Japanese sentry and explain that I wanted to move a patient, but this would likely be unsatisfactory.
We haven’t been paid this month. If the draft remains we will have about P 28,000.00 frun postal savings to be used for all personnel. This will bring about 3000 coconuts at P7.50 each, or four sacks of mongo beans at P6500.00 per sack. The latter is probably the better buy.