Jan. 13, 1945
Bombers went north; heavy bombing in hills beyond Marquina River. We have very little food, only 1/4 pint of weed soup at noon. The night… Read More »Jan. 13, 1945
Bombers went north; heavy bombing in hills beyond Marquina River. We have very little food, only 1/4 pint of weed soup at noon. The night… Read More »Jan. 13, 1945
Tremendous explosions, rifle and machine gun fire in city
Heavy bombings in the Valley; at noon as we lined up for weak soup, some of our planes flew low between buildings a few feet… Read More »Jan. 11, 1945
Many bombers going north; heavy bombings here, our building trembles daily from the explosions; my bunk by the window face south east, I am too… Read More »Jan. 10, 1945
We are sure our troops have landed up north. Heavy bombing of Port Area and of the Maraquina Valley. Large fires and explosions.
The four motored bombers were working over the bay and south side today; one plane received direct hit and went to pieces, pilot circled over… Read More »Jan. 8, 1945
Ate my breakfast of mush under continuous machine gun fire at the airport just north of us; 64 motored bombers made the Camp tremble and… Read More »Jan. 7, 1945
This was a big raid, bombing and machine gunning, explosions all night. Jays in here are packing up to leave; embassy has gone, they are… Read More »Jan. 6, 1945
Planes passed over, bombing far to south.