About the author: The author is unknown except for being an American lady.
About the diary: Published in John Nery’s column, An eyewitness account of Mabini’s funeral, January 21, 2013, in the Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper. This blog entry locates the clippings, in a set on “The Philippine Question” donated by the wife of the author William James. As Nery wrote,
While rummaging through microfiche copies of newspaper clippings “relating to the Philippine question” at Harvard’s Widener Library last year, I came across the following excerpt from a diary recorded by an American woman visiting the Philippines in 1903. Several entries from the diary had been published in a newspaper sympathetic to Philippine aspirations, likely the Boston Evening Transcript, and this one, in particular, all but jumped out at me…
Mabini died on May 13, 1903; he was buried on May 16, a Saturday. The diary entry is dated the following Tuesday; together with other excerpts, it was published on July 17, 1903.