About the author: Warren Dupré Smith (May 12, 1880 — July 18, 1950), chief of the Division of Mines, Bureau of Science, insular government of the Philippines. Spent 11 years in the Philippines, led the first scientific expedition across Mindanao in 1907-08, and was the author of numerous studies and reports. Thereafter, became head of the Department of Geology and Geography, University of Oregon. After retirement served as President of the Oregon Academy of Science.
About the diary: Taken from A Geologic Reconnaisance of the Island of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. I. –Narrative of the Expedition. Reprinted from The Philippine Journal of Science, published by the Bureau of Science of the Philippine Government, Manila, P.I., Vol. III, No. 6, Section A, General Science, December, 1908, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. The entries are reproduced as extracts from December 16, 1907 to January 2, 1908.