About the author: William Jones ( March 28, 1871 — March 28, 1909). Anthropologist with an ethnicity of Fox, Welsh and English, his grandmother was the daughter of a Fox chief. Educated at the Indian school at Newton, Kansas; the Friends’ boarding school in Wabash, Indiana; Philips Academy at Andover, Massachusetts and then Harvard and then Columbia. Further, “In 1906 he accepted an assignment from the Field Columbia Museum in Chicago to study the native tribes of the Philippines. He lived among the natives in Luzon for three years and on March 28, 1909, he was speared to death by members of the Ilongot tribe.”
About the diary: Exists as The Diary of William Jones: 1907-1909, Robert F. Cummings Philippine Expedition. Chicago, IL: The Field Museum. However, the portions in The Philippine Diary Project are taken from:
- Rideout, H. Milner. (1912). William Jones, Indian, cowboy, American scholar, and anthropologist in the fields.New York: Frederick A. Stokes company
2. Carlson, Sarah E. (2014) “From the Philippines to The Field Museum: A Study of Ilongot (Bugkalot) Personal Adornment,” CrissCross: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article 1.
3. Head-hunting William Jones, by Collis H. Davis.