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Picture of Ernest E. Dieball

Ernest E. Dieball

Company C, 47th U.S.V. ; U.S.S .Essex crewman.

Feb. 3, 1900

Raided a house, immediately back of the barracks which was said to be the insurgent h’dq’trs but got nothing but some papers.

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Feb. 6, 1900

Hiked to a small river about 3 mi West of town and Captured a proa loaded with rice for the insurgents.  She carried an insurgent

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Feb. 20, 1900

the Padre reported to Capt Bishop an intended insurgent attack but either our preparations scared them off or the whole thing was a fake.  Get guard duty

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Mar. 23, 1900

Venus arriaved for hemp and brought in the mail and pasy master.  Paid for Jan & Feb.  Soaked $20 with the Pay.  This is the

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April 25, 1900

Some of the boys had a big tuba feast in an old godown on the beach.  Guss a typhoid convalescent stole away from the hosp and attended.

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Apr. 26, 1900

Franklyn, cook, was found out side of an old stone hemp house, where some of the boys had a tul_ [tuba] feast last night, with

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May 5, 1900

Padre Antonio, the local priest, was arrested today by 1st Lt. Bishop for beating and stabbing a boy in the face with a fork but was let

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May 10, 1900

Lt. Dent and 16 men, of which I was one, went to Baras, a small town on the east coast and captured 4 men, several caraboa

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May 30, 1900

Observed Decoration Day by a suspendtion of drill and the sounding of taps and three volleys over the graves of Helder and Guss. * Played Ball in the

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June 22, 1900

Paid for March and April and left $30 with the paymaster.  Have been very lucky with “Los gallos”.

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June 24, 1900

Searles & I, hearing that “Manuel”, a Chino merchant, was going to be pinched for running gambling house, gave him warning so that when Lt. Dent and his

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June 30, 1900

Another boat just arriaved with about 9 sacks of mail and money for May & June.  This is about the quickest pay we have ever

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July 2, 1900

A few of us had a little feed and Celebration in honor of Jerrys birthday at Beling’s house, (Beling is one of Jerry Maher’s lady friends) to which we

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July 18, 1900

CM boat arriaved with mail & loaded hemp for Manila.  I was detailed to check cargo.  It is a good job with good feed attached.

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July 26, 1900

Jerry Maher and I were sent to join the garrison at Pabuyago which consists of 10 men, 1 corp, 1 sarg, & a lt.  It

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July 27, 1900

Maher and I got a pass to go to Bato.  Went up the river by boat and were entertained at the Tribunal. we dined with

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