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Picture of Salvador H. Laurel

Salvador H. Laurel

(November 18, 1928 – January 27, 2004). Lawyer, legislator, Vice-President, 1986-1992. Tasked by his father to write a diary of their escape to Japan, 1945; kept a diary of the Snap Election campaign of 1985-6.

February 25, 1986

I arrived punctually before 9 A.M. –everybody –the political and local leaders, the local and foreign media– were all there. But Cory was nowhere. I

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February 26, 1986

I met with Cesar Virata to agree on a smooth turnover of the Office of the Prime Minister. He agreed but asked for time to

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February 27, 1986

I met with Cory to decide the choice of Cabinet members per our agreement. At this time Cory and I were in close consultation. We

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