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Picture of Felipe Buencamino III

Felipe Buencamino III

Felipe Buencamino III (March 28,1920 — April 28,1949), Served in G-2, Philippine Army, in Bataan.

December 23, 1941

Silang, Cavite Headquarters, 51st Division Still no action. Troops ready in positions. Morale of men very high. Spent whole day running to a nearby foxhole

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December 24, 1941

Tagaytay outpost Midnight Can’t sleep. Just arrived from Manila. The general ordered me to supervise burning of records of G-2 Section, Philippine Army. Had a

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December 29, 1941

Command Post Ft. McKinley Our division has been ordered by Corps headquarters to retreat and form a new line with a view to defending the

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December 30, 1941

Ft. McKinley, Command Post   Our division has been ordered to move to San Fernando, Pampanga. The general said that very heavy fighting continues on

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January 1, 1942

Bataan 41st division, C.P.   Dead tired. Streets jammed from Bulacan to Bataan. Absolutely no traffic order. Roads filled with dust that covered entire body,

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January 3, 1942

Bataan 51st Division C.P. (Provisional Brigade)   Slept last night in a deserted nipa shack beside a lazy river. It was very windy and I

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January 6, 1942

Bataan Limay Hospital   Helluva day. Almost died. It was noontime and the sun was very hot. So I stood under the shade of a

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January 7, 1942

51st division C.P. Bataan   Japs are in Manila now, according to KZRH. I wonder how the family is. Seat of government has been transferred

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January 8, 1942

Corregidor Malinta Tunnel I don’t like this place. Yes, it’s safer and bombproof but the air is damp and stuffy. Give me the cool mountain

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January 9, 1942

Manila Bay On board Navy Courier Boat   Beautiful morning. Sun is slightly above horizon. Sea is calm. Cool morning air. All is quiet except

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January 11, 1942

HQ, Intelligence Bataan Still aide to Gen. de Jesus. Am also assistant plans and training officer under Col. Torralba, former head of Camp Murphy. The

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January 12, 1942

HQ, Intelligence Service Bataan   Met Leonie Guerrero, Salvador Lopez, and Vero Perfecto as I was leaving the command post of the 2nd regular division.

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January 14, 1942

HPA (HQ, Philippine Army) Bataan, Mariveles.   Will sleep here tonight as it is too dark to return to our command post. This is a

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January 15, 1942

Bataan HQ, Intelliegence Service   “See You in Manila” news sheet published by Intelligence Service well received by men in front and officers in Corregidor.

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January 17, 1942

Motor Pool, Intelligence Service Bataan     Will sleep here tonight with the drivers, mechanics and motor transport officers. The General asked me to stay

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January 19, 1942

HQ, Intelligence Service Bataan   Report of operatives on general trend of affairs in Manila: Japs have enforced martial law in City. Death penalty to

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January 20, 1942

HQ, Intelligence Service Bataan   Can’t go to Corregidor. Too much bombing. Jap planes flying above all day. Spent morning and afternoon in dug-out. Missed

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January 21, 1942

Corregidor President Manuel Quezon is sick again. He coughed many times while I talked to him. He was in bed when I submitted report of

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January 22, 1942

Courier Boat Manila Bay Rough sea. Dark night. Where did I put my canned goods? Boat’s swaying sideways, I think. I’m a rotten sailor. Can’t

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January 23, 1942

HQ, Bataan (Noon)   Cabcaben docks bombed while our courier boat was unloading. Nobody hurt. Japs are squint-eyed. Everybody in C.P. asking me questions about

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January 25, 1942

HQ, Intelligence Service, Bataan   Talked to some of the boys of the 21st at the front yesterday. Japs have tried to penetrate their lines

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January 26, 1942

HQ, MIS Bataan   Maj. Gen. Basilio Valdes and Major Carlos Romulo dropped at our Command Post this morning. Romulo said they would go to

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January 27, 1942

HQ, MIS, Bataan Vic’s birthday. I wonder how he is celebrating it. Am very homesick. Fred has a good story depicting state of unpreparedness of

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January 28, 1942

HQ, MIS Bataan   Gap in western sector widening. Japs penetrating Segundo’s line in force. 1st regular division in wild retreat. Hell has broken loose

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January 29, 1942

HQ, MIS, Bataan Japs have encircled the 1st regular. I wonder what will happen to the boys there. This is a great calamity. Apparently, Japs

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January 30, 1942

HQ, MIS, Bataan   Filipino officers in USAFFE may get same pay as Americans, according to General. There is no reason why an American should

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January 31, 1942

HQ, MIS, Bataan Good news. Troops of Segundo have reentered our new lines. They escaped Jap encirclement by clambering precipices on Western coast for two

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February 1, 1942

Civilian Camp Bataan   Thousands of homeless civilians here. A lot of hungry men, women and children. I saw a little girl trembling when she

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February 2, 1942

HQ, Intelligence, Bataan   This place is getting to be a Post Office. Lorrie Tan wants a letter sent to his family. Manny Colayco wants

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February 3, 1942

HQ, Intelligence Bataan   Given mission to Manila. Will take the Corregidor-to-Cavite route. Will bring ten operatives with me including two signal corps men. Should

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