Manila P.I. Dec. 8-41
December 8 — Upon appearing for breakfast at our comfortable? (Little did we realize at the time luxury in which we were living) Genl Luna
December 8 — Upon appearing for breakfast at our comfortable? (Little did we realize at the time luxury in which we were living) Genl Luna
About 2:00 A.M. was awakened by distant explosions & shaking of the building. Jumped from bed & ran outside. Explosions & gun fire from Nichols
We have a unit of graves registration with a cemetery near the hospital. Maj McCloskey & Maj Kazy are attached to us for rations. They
Representatives of Life Magazine here taking photographs all over hospital. Was in several with Col Van but don’t know if any will be published. Much
Lt Bakers P-40 crashed into 4 tree near hospital. Was severely burned about —– & hands but will be ok. They are really hard to
Big aerial dog fight over hospital today. 6 P-40’s returning from photographic mission met by several Japanese planes. We are supposed to have downed 6
Bombing of Cabcaben dock area today with incendiary bombs. Many civilians who had no business there were nearly including children woman were killed & maimed.
Singapore has fallen after less than a week of fighting. They couldn’t take it. Much disgust and resentment over American troops landing in Ireland &
Wedding anniversary today. Not much of a way to celebrate it. Horse meat & carabao which is some different from the chicken on the last
For the past week there has been much bombing of the rear areas. Many AA shells exploding around hospital. Wounded coming in rapidly. The big
Maj Swanson, Lts Nardini & Langdon (USN) Lt Rose arrived to Lelpant. All in confusion. 4700 is census & they are turning in by the
Over 1500 admissions today. The firing is quite near now. It won’t be long now. Eddie Wernitznig & some of his detach came in today
Have been near phone all nite & last we hear the nurses have not passed hospital no 1. They were held up by the demolition
Slept very poorly last nite. Today a solid procession of Filipinos go thru the hospital carrying belongings babies etc. Many leave the hospital. Our census
Japanese have moved in artillery around the hospital & are firing at Corregidor. The return fire occasionally sends fragments into our area. Hope that Corregidor
The Japanese soldiers have left the hospital. None here. A Japanese soldier rapes our woman wd 6. Reported to Maj Sehizuchi (M.C.) who will have
American soldiers discipline has gone by the board. Have asked for Japanese guard to be posted in hospital for protection from our ow people as
Still have had no food brought in. Hating rice only is tantamount to starvation. Everyone is very hungry. We hope to be moved away from
Last nite (Mess 4 & ward 14 shelled by 1550 from Corregidor. 5 pts killed 12 wounded. We all stay close to fox holes now
Corregidor capitulated tday & were we relieved. Purely personal but is doubtful if a more prolonged resistance would be warranted. Ed. Wern. & I have
Has been fairly pleasant since fall of Corregidor at least we don’t have to worry about being shelled. Still have nothing to eat but mouldy
This running account of events is being started at this time being a set of correlations of events extracted chiefly from the Diary of Lt.