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Picture of Louise Fillmore Blancaflor

Louise Fillmore Blancaflor

An American married a Filipino doctor, Cornel Blancaflor.

December 14, 1944

Yesterday was quiet, but today there have been so many planes flying overhead that I no longer keep track of them. Early in the morning

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December 15, 1944

Last night we did not sleep well as we were awakened by constant cannon or gunfire. To make matters worse, Nature had to do her

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December 16, 1944

All night last night we heard the sound of planes and bombing, still in the same area. The food problem is very acute. Rice is

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December 17, 1944

Last night we continued to hear bombing in the distance. The Bulletin Board announced an American landing on the big island of Mindanao on December

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December 18, 1944

We spent a quiet night and all slept well. This morning we did not hear or see any planes, but in the afternoon 14 planes

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December 19, 1944

Last night while we were eating supper (6:00 p.m.), several shots rang out followed by more. We all made one run for the stairs leading

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December 20, 1944

Last night we could hear bombing in the distance. This morning we saw several planes fly over the Santa Barbara air field. Around noon, a

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December 21, 1944

Last night we heard a plane around 9:30 p.m. Although we could no longer hear its drone, suddenly there was a terrible explosion and the

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December 22, 1944

We did not sleep well last night because of all the commotion. About 9:00 p.m. we could hear shooting at different places, and at 11:30

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December 23, 1944

The relatives of the owner of the house next door are now removing all furniture from the empty house. They have brought the dishes and

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January 17, 1945

So many things have happened since December 22, 1944 that I do not know whether I can recall everything, but I will relate the most

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January 20, 1945

We are now all living at San Jose College. The sisters have allocated us two spaces that we use as “bedrooms”. These make-shift “rooms” are

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January 24, 1945

Every day planes fly overhead, and nearly every day there are bombings and machine gunning. The people of Iloilo and Jaro are getting jittery, and

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January 25, 1945

Many planes passed over today, but there was no bombing in the vicinity of Iloilo, although we could hear bombing from afar. The price of

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January 26, 1945

Last night around 6:00 p.m. we could hear shooting in the distance and it lasted till around 3:00 a.m. So far today I have not

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January 27, 1945

Today so many American planes flew over that I am no longer able to keep track of them. Some of them bombed and machine gunned

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January 28, 1945

It is Sunday today and we all attended mass, with the exception of Coné, who was on guard duty last night. Every night there are

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February 3, 1945

Every day is about the same. Early in the morning planes flew over scouting the waterfront for ships. Yesterday a gasoline depot and a motorboat

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February 10, 1945

I have not written in a week and I don’t know how or where to begin, or whether I will remember everything that has happened

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February 12, 1945

here are so many stories circulating about the events that took place while the USAFFE had entered Jaro and surrounding areas. We heard that the

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February 15, 1945

On the night of February 12, at around midnight a barrage of gunfire suddenly erupted and lasted until 7:00 a.m. without any interval! It was

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March 19, 1945

I have not written in almost four weeks. It seems like I have passed a terrible nightmare and have awakened in Barotac, where it is

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