Monday 20 November 1564
In the year of our Savior Jesus Christ 1564, Monday 20 November at almost midnight. From the port of Navidad coast of Nueva España on
In the year of our Savior Jesus Christ 1564, Monday 20 November at almost midnight. From the port of Navidad coast of Nueva España on
Day of Sta. Catalina at the latitude of 15 degrees, the General called the captains and pilots to the flagships and proposed that for the
Land was sighted and we sailed towards it, we wanted to land but we could not because the shore was very steep. The said land
The altitude was taken at 12 degrees and two thirds. We sailed 20 leagues. This same day we sighted land; changed course northwest.
The ships sailed around the land and on Tuesday 23 of January, they anchored at the coast northwest, southeast by northsouth, The first coast sighted
The ships were there from 23 January until Friday 2 February, These people have neither a chief nor captain, At the start, the best treatment
The ships left the island of the Ladrones for the Islas Filipinas with Divine Help, Jaime Martinez Fortun and Diego Martin, co-pilots of the ship
We sighted land at 12 degrees, the Islas Filipinas, We anchored in an islet at forty brazas, whatever the said pilots Jaime Martinez Fortun and